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  • Clusters
    • EC2 Mode
      • Customer needs to maange availablity and scalablity of underlying EC2 instances for the cluster
    • Fargate Mode (serverless)
      • EC2 instances are managed by AWS
      • Fargate Shared Infrastructure
      • ENI's to be available from the VPC
      • Only pay for the container running in the cluster
  • Service
    • Replicas of tasks
    • AutoScaling for the tasks
    • LoadBalancer configuration with target group
  • Task Definition
    • TaskRole within task definition
    • Container Definitions
  • Container Definition
    • Docker Image
    • Environment Variables
    • CPU and MEM
    • Ports
  • Docker Resgistry
    • ECR or DockerHub to store docker imaages

EC2 vs ECS (EC2) vs Fargate

  • Containers ==> ECS
  • Large workload - prices conscious - EC2 Mode
  • Large workload - - Fargate
  • Small/Burst workloads - Fargate
  • Batch /Periodic workloads - Fargate