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  • FaaS - Function-as-a-Service
    • piece of code that lambda runs
  • RunTime Environment - python3.8, node12
  • Define Memory for lambda and lambda automatically defines CPU for the function
    • 128 MB and 10,240 MB in 1-MB increments
    • 1,769 MB = 1vCPU
  • Supported packages - traditionally only supported ZIP
    • ZIP
    • Lambda Container Images
      • Lambda Runtime API - in container image
      • supports already built docker image from CICD
      • Runtime Interface Emulator (RIE) - for local testing
  • Storage
    • 512 MB available as /tmp - ephemeral
    • EFS can be mounted for persistent storage
  • Execution Timeout - 15 mins (900s)
  • Common Uses
    • S3 Events -> Lambda
    • DynamoDB Streams -> Lambda
    • EventBridge/CWEvent -> Lambda
    • API Gateway -> Lambda
    • Kinesis -> Lambda

Networking and Security

  • Public Lambda
    • can acccess internet and public services
    • no access to VPC based services unless security control allow external access
  • Private Lambda
    • runs inside VPC
    • can access services inside VPC
    • cannot access public services unless configuration is properly done
  • ENI is configured for unique set of subnet and SGs instead of ENI per lambdas
  • Execution IAM role for lambda determines what access lambda has when the function is being executed
  • Resource Policy - policy controls/determines which services can invoke lambdas
    • could not be updated via Console
  • Cloudwatch
    • Logs - /aws/logs/function-name
      • permission via Execution role
    • Metrics - invocations,error rate, success rate,latency
    • X-Ray - for distributed tracing

Invocations, Latency, Destination

  • Synchronous - retries/errors handled by client
  • Asynchronous - reties automated by lambda
  • Event Source Mapping - typically used on streams or queues (Kinesis, DynamoDB streams, SQS)
    • Event Source Mappings read/poll from stream or queue and deliver Event Batches to lambda
    • Event Source Mappings leverage execution IAM role for interacting with streams or queues
  • DLQ Failed Event can be sent SQS Queues or SNS topics for further processing

  • Cold Start - setting up the environment for the lambda execution

  • Warm Start - context is reused to execute the function lambda
  • Provisioned Concurrency - reduce the no. of cold starts

Lambda Versions

  • Functions can be published .. immutable version
  • Each version ==> Code + Configuration of the lambda function
  • Immutable with its own unique ARN
  • $LATEST = > points to the latest version

Lambda Aliases

  • An Alias is a pointer to a function version
  • Has unique ARN*
  • Can be updated and point to different versions of lambda
  • Can be used to PROD/DEV, BLUE/GREEN and A/B testing
  • Alias Routing - split traffic between versions of lambda
    • 40 to v1 and 60 to v2

Lambda Layers

  • Large libraries or dependencies can be deployed as library
  • This layers(libraries) can be imported in the lambda function and these libraries are not part of deployment pacakge

Lambda and ALB

  • ALB - TargetGroup -> Lambda
  • Lambda needs to parse the ALB request and respond with the response that ALB is expecting
  • Mult-Value Headers