Regional and Global AWS Architecture
EC2 Purchase Options (Launch Types)
- Instances are isolared but multiple customer instances run on shared hardware
- Per-second billing while an instance is running
- Default purchase option
- No upfront cost and discount
- Predictable pricing
- Apps which cannot be interrupted
- Cheapest to launch EC2 instances
- SPOT pricing is AWS selling unused EC2 host capacity for upto 90% discount
- the spot price is based on the spare capacity at a given time
- As long as the customer price is lower than the spot price, instances are provisioned else they are terminated
- Use for non time critical workloads which are stateless and cost sensitive.
- workloads which can be re-run
- Never use SPOT for workloads that can't tolerate interruptions
- Long-term consumption of EC2 instances - at a discounted price
- Unused Reservation still billed
Scheduled Reserved instances
- Ideal for long tern usage which which doesn't run constantly
- Batch processing daily for 5 hours starting at 23:00
- Weekly data, sales analysis.. every Friday for 24 hours
- 100 hours of EC2 per month
- Doesn't support all isntance types or regions
- 1200 hours per year & 1 year term minimum
Capacity Reservations Reserved purchases -> on-demand -> spot (in priority order)
- Regional Reservation - provides a bililing discount for valid instances launched in any any AZ in that region
- but don't reserve instances within an AZ
- Zonal Reservation - only apply to one AZ providing billing discounts and capacity reservation in that AZ
- On-demand capacity reservations can be booked to ensure you always have access to capacity in an AZ when you need it
- full on-demand price
- no term limits
- you pay regardless of if you consume it
- no savings
Dedicated Hosts
- Pay for HOST
- No instance charges
- Use case - Licensing based on Sockets/Cores where host affinity is important
- Host affinity links instances to hosts
- can launch multiple instances with multiple instance types
- maximum capacity to launch the no. of instances
- customer still have to manage host capacity
Dedicated Instances
- Don't own the host but do not share the host - extra cost for the instances, but dedicated hardware
- Requirement where hosts cannot be shared.
EC2 Savings Plan
- A hourly commitment for a 1 or 3 year term
- A reservation of general compute \$ amounts ($20 per hour for 3 years)
- or a specific EC2 Savings Plan - flexibility on size and OS
- Compute products (currently) - EC2, Fargate & Lambda
- Products have an on-demand rate and a savings plan rate
- Resource usage consumes savings plan commitment at the reduced savings plan rate
- Beyond the commitment, the pricing is switched to on-demand rate
EC2 Networking
Elastic network interfaces - ENI - Elastic Network Interface - Primary ENI is created when instance is created and cannot be removed and deleted when instance is terminated - Additional ENIs (secondary ENIs) can be added in and removed from other subnets(multi homed) but NOT in other AZs
WHY multiple ENIs ?
- Security groups is attached to the ENI
- Multiple SGs to control access to EC2 instances - different protection rules
- Different NACL for different subnets and secondary ENIs can be placed into different subnets from subnet where primary ENI is created
- Each EC2 has 1 primary private IPv4 address - same for lifecycle of the EC2
- primary IP is visible to OS
- depending on the instance type, 1 or more no. of secondary private IPs can be allocated to the instance and those IPs are also visilble to the OS
- secondary IPs can be attached and detached from the instances
- Public IPv4 address assigned to EC2 instance is not static and not visible to the OS
- elastic IP per private IPv4 (to make static) - associate with primary interface
- ENI can have 1 or more IPv6 addresses (all publicly routable)
- 1 MAC address
- 1 or more Security Groups
check- disable them for instance instance running services such as network address translation, routing, or firewalls
Use Cases for multiple ENIs
- Management or isolated nteworks
- Software Licensing (MAC)
- Security or Network Appliances
- Multi-homes instances with workloads/roles on specific subnets
- Low Budget & Simple High-Availability solutions
Bootstrapping vs AMI
Bootstrapping or AMI Baking are two ways to influence the speed of EC2 deployments - and how flexible those deployments can be.
- Software installation can be extracted from bootstrapping and move to AMI
- app, tools and languages dependencies baked into AMI
- quick and ready to deploy - launch many instances from the AMI
- Bootstrap running executable (binary and containers)
- Combination of AMI baking and bootstrap for maximum efficiency
EC2 Placement Group
HPC = High Performance Computing
Cluster Placement Groups
- Pack instances close together
- Best Practise - launch all the instances at the same time (use same instances type)
- Performance focused - launched in single AZ - same rack and sometimes same host
All members have direct connetions to each other
- low latency and node-to-node communications - typical of HPC applications
- use instances with high performance as well as use enhanced networking
Tradeoff - No resiliency since all the instances are placed in the same AZ
- AZ is locked when launching first instance
- Can span VPC peers - but impacts performance
- Requires supported instance type
Spread Placement Groups
- Strictly places a small group of instances across distinct underlying hardware(distinct rack) accross multiple AZs
- HARD LIMIT - 7 Instances per AZ
- Provides infrastructure isolation
- each racnk has its own network and power source
- Not supported for Dedicated Instances or Hosts
- Use Case - small no. of critical instances that need to be kept sepeated from each other
Partition - groups of instances spread apart
- Maximum of 7 partitions per AZ
- each partition has it own rack - no sharing between partitions
- Instances can be placed in a specific partition OR auto placed
- Large distributed and replciated workloads such as Hadoop, Cassandra and Kafka
- Contain the impact of failure to specific part of an application