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ELB architecture

  • IPv4 or Dual stack ( IPv4 + IPv6)
  • Public (internet-facing) vs Private (internal-facing: only private address)
    • internet-facing can connect to both private and public instances
  • A DNS record is asigned to the load balancer
  • LB nodes are distributed in multiple AZs and resolved via DNS record assigned to the Load Balancer
  • At least 8+ free IPs per subnet & /27 or larger subnet to allow for scale


  • Each node can forward traffic to a different zone that it is located in
  • Enabled by default in ALB and disabled by default in NLB and CLB.
    • disabling can create uneven distribution of load across compute behind

Session State

  • Server-side piece of information
  • Use external session storage to avoid disruption from instances failures

Application Load Balancer vs Network Load Balancer

CLB doest not scale... every unique name requires an inidivual CLB because SNI is not supported

SNI - Server Name Indication

ALB - Applicaiton Load Balancer

  • Layer 7 Load balancer.. listens on HTTP and/or HTTPS
  • No other Layer 7 protocols (SMTP, SSH, Gaming)
    • NO TCP/UDP/TLS Listerners
  • L7 content type, cookies, custom headers, user location and app behavior
  • HTTP HTTPS (SSL/TLS) always terminated on the ALB - no unbroken SSL (security teams)
    • a new connection is made to the application
  • ALB MUST have SSL certs if HTTPS is used
  • ALBs are slower than NLB.. more levels of the network stack to process
  • Health checks evaluate application health.. layer 7


  • Rules direct connections which arrive at listener
  • Proccessed in priority order
  • Default rule = catchall
  • Rule conditions: host-header, http-header, http-request-method, path-pattern, query-string & source-ip

NLB - Network Load Balancer

  • Layer 4 load balancer .. TCP, TLS,UDP, TCP_UDP
  • No visibility or understanding of HTTP or HTTPS
  • No headers, no cookies, not session stickiness
  • Reallly Really Really Fast (millions of rps, 25% of ALB latency)
    • can deal with SMTP, SSH, Servers, finanacial apps (not https)
  • Health checks JUST check ICM/TCP Handshake (not app aware)
  • NLB's can have static IP's - useful for whitelisting
  • Forward TCP to instances - unbroken encryption
  • Used with private link to provide services to other VPCs

Session Stickiness

  • Applications not leveraging extenal session storage can use session stickiness feature from ELB to manage the user session internally
  • Locks a session to 1 backend instance
  • AWSALB cookie is used - 1s to 7 days duration
    • new cookie is issued if backend instance goes down (unheathy)
    • new cookie is issued if the cookie itself expires
  • can create uneven load for backend instances
  • Key points - logout, lost,carts, lost progress => lost session state

Gateway Load Balancer - GWLB

Gateway Load Balancers enable you to deploy, scale, and manage virtual appliances, such as firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems, and deep packet inspection systems.

  • Run and scale 3rd party appliances
  • Example - firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems
  • Inbound and Outbound traffic (transparent inspection an protection)
  • GWLB Endpoints (VPC) -> traffic enters/leaves via these endpoints
  • GWLB -> balances accross multiple backend appliances
    • forward traffic without modifying it using tunnel
  • GENEVE protocol -> tunneling protocol (between GWLB and backend instances)
  • Traffic and metadata is tunnelled using GENEVE protocol

  • IGW is configured with ingress routed table (gateway route table)
