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  • Petabyte scaled Data warehouse
  • OLAP (Column based) not OLTP (row/transaction)
  • Pay as you use . similar structure to RDS
  • Directly Query S3 using Redshift Spectrum - withouot loading data to Redshift
  • Directly Query other DBs using federated query
  • Integrates with AWS tooling such as Quicksight
  • SQL-like interface JDBC/ODBC connections


  • Server based (not serverless)
  • One AZ in a VPC - network cost/performance
  • Leader Node - Query input, planning and aggregation
  • Compute Node - performning queries of data
  • VPC Security, IAM Permissions, KMS at rest Encryption, CW Monitoring
  • Redshift Enhanced VPC Routing - VPC Networking!!
    • traffic is routed via VPC configuration


Resilience and Recovery

  • S3 for backups
    • Automated
      • every ~8 hours or 5GB of data
      • 1 day retention (configurable to 35 days)
    • Manual
      • snaps can be taken at any time
      • deleted by an admin as required
  • Snapshots can be restored in different AZ or regions
  • Can be configured to copy snapshots to another region for DR- with a seperate configurable retention period