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AWS CodeCommit

  • similar to gihub
  • authentication - iam user
  • authorization - iam identity policy
  • notifications - on events
  • triggers - on events

AWS CodePipeline

  • CD tool
  • Orchestration tool for code, build, test and deploy
    • controls the flow from source through build and deployment
  • Pipelines are built form STAGES
  • STAGES can have sequential or parallel ACTIONS
  • Movement between stages can require manual approval
  • Artifacts can be loaded into an action, and generated from an action
  • Stage Changes => Event Bridge (eg. success, failed, cancelled)
  • CloudTrail or Console UI to view/interact

AWS CodeBuild

  • Code Build as a service - fully managed
  • Pay for the resource consumed during builds
  • Alternate to part of jenkins functionality
  • Used for builds and tests
  • Uses docker for build environment, can be customized
  • Integrates with AWS Services: KMS,IAM, VPC, CloudTrail, S3...
  • Sourced from -> Github or CodeCommit or CodePipeline or S3
  • Customised via buildspec.yml file (root of source)
  • Logs => CloudWatch, S3
  • Metrics => CloudWatch
  • Events => EventBridge (event-driven response)
  • supported languages - java,ruby,python,go,.net,php,node.js
    • install - install packages in build environment
    • pre_build - sign-in or install dependencies
    • build - commands for the build process
    • post_build - package things up, push docker image, explicit notifications
    • also support environment variables - shell, variables, parameter-store, secrets-manager
    • artifacts - where to put

AWS CodeDeploy

  • Code Deployment as a service
  • Alternatives - jenkins, ansible, chef, puppet, cloudformation
  • Deploy code.. not resources
  • Deploys to EC2, On-premises, Lambda and ECS
  • Also deploys web, configuration, EXE files, Packages, Scripts, media and more ..
  • CodeDeploy integrates with AWS services and AWS Code* tools
  • For On-premise and EC2 - Codedeploy agent needs to be installed
  • Appsec.yml - yaml or json reference link
    • Files (EC2/On-premise)
    • Permissions (EC2/On-premise)
    • Resources (ECS/Lambda)
    • Hooks (ECS/Lambda/EC2/On-premise) - reference link
      • Lifecycle hooks are different for each type of deployments.