DR Architecture
- Efffective DR/BC costs money all of the time
- Need extra resource (backup or standby resources)
- Executing a DR/BC process takes time
- Cost Trade Off: Faster to Recover - more costilier
Backup and Restore
- Have backups in place -- in an event of disaster restore them in different site/location
- Cost effective but will takes longer to restore in case disaster happens

Pilot Light
- Secondary environment with bare minimum set up for faster recovery
- auto sync data for Databases which are ready to use
- provisioned but stopped instances

Warm Standby
- Standby secondary site running the fully functional version of primary infra but with less resources and size.
- cheaper instance type
- lower no. of intances in ASG
- can be upgraded/updated when failover is required
- Little costlier than pilot light (cheaper than active/active) but faster to recover in case of disaster

- Have exact and fully functional version of primary infrastructure running in secondary site/location
- The most costliest (200%) set-up but does not require recovery during disaster event
- Since both sites run fully functional apps, they can be load balanced as well
- provides better performance and improves HA