DR Storage
Instance Store Volumes
- Attached with EC2 and no recovery in case of failure - temporary solution
- Fails when ..
- hardware fails
- AZ fails
- EC2 host fails
EBS - Elastic Block Storage
- Runs in one AZ
- No replication of data from one AZ to another
- Fails when ..
- AZ fails
- Snapshots of EBS volume can be stored in S3
- but those snapshots can be used directly
- restore by creating new volume in different AZ if required
Replication runs in 3 AZs
- One Zone storage class does not replicate beyond one AZ but cheaper
Snapshots stored in s3 gets regional resilience
- Snapshots shared and copy across multiple S3 buckets across multiple regions
- Cross-Region Replication
EFS - Elastic File System
- Replicated accross multiple AZs
- mounted to Linux ec2
- Fails when..
- Region fails