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AWS Client VPN


  • Managed implementation of OpenVPN

    • supoorts any client with OpenVPN software
  • Client connects to a Client VPN Endpoint

    • associated to ONE VPC
    • 1 + Target Networks for high availaibility
    • .. billed based on network associations

Client VPN Endpoint

  • COST - per interface deployed
  • Creates interface (Client VPN ENI) in subnet (one subnet per AZ)
    • multiple subnet target association for HA
  • Authentication
    • Certificates (imported to ACM)
    • Federated Identity provider
    • AWS directory service (Simple AD for demo)
  • Logging - integates with cloudwatch logs
  • Client VPN Route Table - pushed to client machine
  • Split Tunnel - Instead of replacing client route table, routes are added to the existing route tables - split tunnel is not default and should be enabled while creating client VPN endpoint
  • Client - AWS VPN Client - with .ovpn file from VPN endpoint
