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Global Accelerator


AWS Global Accelerator is designed to improve global network performance by offering entry point onto the global AWS transit network as close to customers as possible using ANycast IP addresses

  • Anycast IP's allow a single IP to be in multiple locations. Routing moves traffic to closet location
  • 2 anycast IP Addresses
  • All location of global accelerator edge locations wil use the pair of anycast IP addresses
  • Traffic initially uses public internet before entering a Global Accelerator edge location
    • from the edge, data transits globally across the AWS global backbone network
    • increases the performance substantially

Global Accelerator vs Cloudfront

Global Accelerator Cloudfront
Doesnot support caching Cache the http content using edge location
Move AWS network closer to the customer Move content closer to the customer by caching
Network product which supports TCP/UDP (deos not understand http protocol) Only supports HTTP/HTTPS content caching