Amazon Route 53 is a highly available and scalable cloud Domain Name System (DNS) web service. It provides following features
- Register Domains
- Hosted Zones - managed nameserers
- Zone files in AWS
- Hosted on four managed name servers
- Public Hosted Zone
- Private Hosted Zone - linked to VPCs
- RecordSets - records within hosted zone
DNS Record Types
Nameserver (NS)
A and AAAA Records
- A record maps to ipv4
- AAAA record maps to ipv6
CNAME Records
- cannot point directly to other names
- can only point to the name
MX Records
- important for email
- priority and value (mail || mail.other.domain)
- MX query
TXT Records
- additional text data to the record
- Query TXT for the validation
TTL - Time To Live
- Resolver cached for TTL no. of seconds
- also non-authoriative answer