VPC Router
- Virtual Router within a VPC
- Highly Available - across all AZs in that region
- Scalable - no performance management required
- Routes traffic between subnets
- also routes EXTERNAL networks INTO the VPC
- also routes VPC into EXTERNAL networks
- Router has interface in every subnet -
address (default GW via DHCP option set) - Controlled using route tables
Route tables
- Route tables for your VPC
- Every VPC is created with a Main route table (RT)
- also defaults for every subnet in the VPC
- Custom route table can be created and associated with subnets in the VPC which removes the Main RT from the subnet
- Subnes are associated with One RT (Main or Custom)
Main RT should be left as it is and Custom Route Tables should be created for any customization
- to ensure default association of subnet does not get default RT
Route tables contain routes
- most specific routes first
- static routes are added and update manually
- if route propagation is enabled, routes are automatically added called propagated routes
= 50 static routes and 100 dynamic/propagated routes
Priority Route Type/Condition 1 Longest Prefix 2 Static Routes 3 Propagated Routes - DX
- VPN Static
RT's can be associated with gateways- IGW or VGW
- IPv4 and IPv6 are handled seperatly within a RT
- Routes send traffic based on destination to a target