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  • Generates temporary credentials (sts:AssumeRole*)
  • Credentials are short lived unlike AccessKeyId and SeretAccessKey for a user
  • Credentials are used to access AWS resources
    • more limited policy can be provided with IAM policy
  • Requested by an Identity (AWS or EXTERNAL)
    • identity could be AWS services, AWS user/role or external web identity

STS Credentials

  • Trust policy is attached to the IAM role

    • specifies which identity can assume the role
    • May be MFA ????
  • Permission policy also attached to the IAM role

    • specifies the permission of role for AWS resources
  • STS generates temporay credentials which can access AWS Resource until until expiration. It authorise access based on the permission policy

  • If the permission of the role changes, the permission for the creds will also change.

  • STS has ability to revoke active sessions and credentials for a role
    • adding a policy with using a time stamp
    • AWSRevokeOlderSessions


Revoking temporary credentials

  • Many identities can assume the same role

    • all the identities get same permission defined in the permission policy
  • Temproray credentials cannot be cancelled

    • temporary creds comes with expiration date

How to remediate credential leak??

🔴 Limitations

  • Updating the trust policy has not impact on existing credentials
  • Changing the permissions policy impacts ALL credentials

✅ Using AWSRevokeOlderSessions

  • Permission policy update with AWSRevokeOlderSessions inline DENY for any sessions older than NOW
  • DENY all the credentials generated before NOW
  • Identities can reassume the role after enforcing AWSRevokeOlderSessions


    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Deny",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Condition": {
                "DateLessThan" :{
                    "aws:TokeIssueTime": "2021-05-21T02:24:21.3702"

metadata url: revoke-sts-creds