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AWS Certificate Manager


  • HTTP - simple and insecure
  • HTTPS - SSL/TLS Layer of encryption added to HTTP
    • Data is encrypted in-transit
    • Certificates prove identity
    • Chain of trust - Signed by a trusted authority


  • ACM lets you run a public or private Certificate Authority (CA)
    • Private CA - Applications need to trust your private CA
    • Public CA - Browsers trust a list of provider, which can trust other providers.
  • ACM can generate or import certificates
    • if generated, it can automatically renew
    • if imported, you are responsible for importing it
  • Certificates can be deployed only to supported services
    • Cloudfront, ALB ... NOT EC2
  • ACM is a regional service
    • Certs cannnot leave the region once they are generated or imported in
    • Eg. To use a cert with ALB in ap-southeast-2 you need a cert in ACM in ap-southeast-2**
    • Global Services such as CloudFront operates as though within 'us-east-1'
