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S3 Replication

CRR - Cross Region Replication

SRR - Same Region Replication

  • Replication configuration applies to source bucket
  • IAM role is assigned for replcation - with trust to

    • permission policy to move objects in both buckets
  • For replication between different accounts

    • destination bucket should have proper bucket policy to allow IAM role in source bucket acccount to write and replicate objects
  • Replicaiton could be applied to all objects or a subset of objects (filter with prefix and/or tags)

  • Storage class in destination bucket - default to same as source bucket (could be configured)
  • Ownership of the destination objects - deafult is the soruce account (could be changed to different destination account)
  • Replication Time Control (RTC) - 15 mins ETA
  • Only applies to the objects after the replication is enabled and VERSIONING needs to be enabled in both buckets
  • One-way replication - from source to destination

  • Handles unencrypted objects as well as objects encrypted with SSE-S3 & SSE-KMS(with extra config)

  • Source bucket owner needs permissions to objects
  • Does not replicate -systems events, Glacier or Glacier Deep Archive
  • Does not replicate DELETE

Why use replication .. ?

Log aggregation Global Resiliency Improvements
Prod and Test Sync Latency Reduction
Resilience with strict sovereignty - regional